Library home page > Library guide > Loan services, Renewal & Reservation, Confirm Status

Loan services

Borrowing materials

  1. General Material (including travel guide books)
    1. Number of books / Lending period
      Number of booksLending period
      StudentsUp to 7 booksWithin 20 days
      StaffUp to 10 booksWithin 30 days
      * Returning borrowed books late will result in a temporary account suspension (penalty).
      * During summer vacation and student internships the lending periods are extended.

    2. Procedure
      Show your ID card (student / staff pass) together with the books you intend to borrow at the counter. General materials can be borrowed using the self-check machine.

  2. Audio-visual material (Green-mark DVD)
    1. Number of items / Lending period
      For students and staff, it is 3 items within 3 days.

    2. Procedure
      It is necessary to complete lending procedures at the counter. Show your ID card (student/staff pass) with the items you intend to borrow at the counter.

  3. Non-lendable Material / Journal / Magazine / Newspaper / Red- mark DVD
    Can be viewed only in the library.
    We loan DVD players for viewing inside the building.

  4. Electronic Journal / Electronic Book / Search for Articles
    Please visit TUT Library's website (

Returning borrowed material

Please return borrowed books to the counter or use the self-check machine.
If you return using the self-check machine, please put the book into the book postbox next to it.
Also, books can be returned to the book post next to the front entrance.
To prevent damage audio-visual materials, attached materials (CD-ROM etc.) and Microsoft media must not put into the book postbox. Please hand them over to the library staff at the counter during regular opening hours.

# If the retern of materials is delayed, you cannot borrow materials for a certain period as penalty. Please note it.

Renewal & Reservation

If the books are not reserved, you can extend for once within the lending period.

If the book you need are on loan to another person, you can make a reservation for lending materials. Please search by OPAC and click the reservation button.

Please refer to the following Library Guide Sheets.
Library Guidesheet No.e-1 "Using My Library : Login to My Library and renew books".
Library Guidesheet No.e-2 "To search and reserve book in library".

Status confirmation in Mylibrary

Log in to Mylibrary, by entering your user ID and password, you can check your reservation and lending status.
Also refer to the Guide Sheet No.e-1 and Help.

Library Guidesheet No.e-1 "Using My Library : Login to My Library and renew books".

Log in to My Library

User name and password: Information and Media Center's account and password

Log in from the Shibboleth authentication screen,and the screen will switch to the My Library screen(insiders only)

About My Library

(Last updated on Nov 6, 2023)